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5 résultat(s) recherche sur le tag 'Nigeria'

Titre : Nigeria : Bad information: Oil spill investigations in the Niger Delta Type de document : document électronique Editeur : Amnesty International Année de publication : November 2013 Importance : 83 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Nigéria Pétrole Shell Résumé : There are systemic flaws in the system for investigating oil spills in the Niger Delta: the outcome of these investigations lacks credibility. The human rights consequences are serious. The lack of transparency around this investigation process is a further factor that contributes to heightened tensions in the Niger Delta. With regard to Shell, reviewing all available data this report has built up a picture of a company whose claims about its environmental impact in the Niger Delta are frequently untrue. This report also raises serious concerns about the scale of oil spills from Agip’s facilities. En ligne : http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/AFR44/028/2013/en Nigeria : Bad information: Oil spill investigations in the Niger Delta [document électronique] . - [S.l.] : Amnesty International, November 2013 . - 83 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Nigéria Pétrole Shell Résumé : There are systemic flaws in the system for investigating oil spills in the Niger Delta: the outcome of these investigations lacks credibility. The human rights consequences are serious. The lack of transparency around this investigation process is a further factor that contributes to heightened tensions in the Niger Delta. With regard to Shell, reviewing all available data this report has built up a picture of a company whose claims about its environmental impact in the Niger Delta are frequently untrue. This report also raises serious concerns about the scale of oil spills from Agip’s facilities. En ligne : http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/AFR44/028/2013/en Documents numériques
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Titre : Union power in the Nigerian textile industry : labour regime and adjustment Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Gunilla Andrea, Auteur ; Björn Beckman, Auteur Editeur : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Année de publication : 1998 Importance : 317 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Industrie textile Tags : Industrie textile Nigeria Syndicats Ajustement structurel KTL UNTL Chellco NTM Bagauda Gaskiya Index. décimale : 05.02 Syndicalisme Résumé : Nigeria, once a resourceful regional power, has been caught in a spiral of economic and political decay. This once-promising nation is now seen as an international pariah, partly as a result of the gross human rights violations of its government, but largely because of the failure to generate a political leadership capable of containing and reversing rather than aggravating the process of decline. Union Power in the Nigerian Textile Industry covers developments in Nigeria during two trying decades of deepening economic and political crisis. It is not, however, an additional tale of decay. It highlights the remarkable progress which has been achieved, in spite of this decline, in industrial adjustment, institution building, and conflict regulation.
Gunilla Andrae and Bjorn Beckman follow Nigeria's leading manufacturing sector, the textile industry, from the heyday of the oil boom through successive phases of adjustment and liberalization, suggesting that industrialization is still very much on the African agenda. The focus is on the trade unions, their role in industrial restructuring and their ability to defend workers' interests and rights.
Union Power in the Nigerian Textile Industry examines the successful institutionalization of a union-based labor regime, defying global trends to the contrary. The authors explore the origins of union power in the national and local political economy, pointing to the mediation between the militant self-organization of the workers and the strategies of state and capital. They draw on extensive field work, interviews with managers, unionists and workers, and massive documentation from internal union sources.En ligne : http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:272735/FULLTEXT01.pdf Union power in the Nigerian textile industry : labour regime and adjustment [texte imprimé] / Gunilla Andrea, Auteur ; Björn Beckman, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1998 . - 317 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Industrie textile Tags : Industrie textile Nigeria Syndicats Ajustement structurel KTL UNTL Chellco NTM Bagauda Gaskiya Index. décimale : 05.02 Syndicalisme Résumé : Nigeria, once a resourceful regional power, has been caught in a spiral of economic and political decay. This once-promising nation is now seen as an international pariah, partly as a result of the gross human rights violations of its government, but largely because of the failure to generate a political leadership capable of containing and reversing rather than aggravating the process of decline. Union Power in the Nigerian Textile Industry covers developments in Nigeria during two trying decades of deepening economic and political crisis. It is not, however, an additional tale of decay. It highlights the remarkable progress which has been achieved, in spite of this decline, in industrial adjustment, institution building, and conflict regulation.
Gunilla Andrae and Bjorn Beckman follow Nigeria's leading manufacturing sector, the textile industry, from the heyday of the oil boom through successive phases of adjustment and liberalization, suggesting that industrialization is still very much on the African agenda. The focus is on the trade unions, their role in industrial restructuring and their ability to defend workers' interests and rights.
Union Power in the Nigerian Textile Industry examines the successful institutionalization of a union-based labor regime, defying global trends to the contrary. The authors explore the origins of union power in the national and local political economy, pointing to the mediation between the militant self-organization of the workers and the strategies of state and capital. They draw on extensive field work, interviews with managers, unionists and workers, and massive documentation from internal union sources.En ligne : http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:272735/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Titre : Kan de politiek de ontwikkelingssamenwerking redden? : over het efficiënter maken van ontwikkelingshulp via politieke-economieanalyse: wat is er tot nog toe gebeurd en wat hebben we geleerd? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Alex Duncan, Auteur ; Gareth Williams, Auteur Editeur : Brussel : Wereldmediahuis vzw Année de publication : maart 2012 Collection : MO* Papers num. 65 Importance : 23 p Langues : Néerlandais (dut) Tags : Politique de développement Economie politique Nigeria Bangladesh Résumé : Een MO*paper over het efficiënter maken van ontwikkelingshulp via politieke-economieanalyse: wat is er tot nog toe gebeurd en wat hebben we geleerd?
Politieke economie betekent ‘de wisselwerking tussen politieke en economische processen in een samenleving: de verdeling van macht en rijkdom tussen de verschillende groepen en individuen en de processen die deze verhoudingen mettertijd creëren, in stand houden en veranderen.’
Deze MO*paper wil bijdragen tot een uitwisseling van ervaringen en informatie over het gebruik van de politieke-economieanalyse (PEA) door internationale hulpagentschappen. Het staat daarom stil bij de aanzienlijke maar ongelijke vooruitgang die de laatste tien jaar met deze methode is geboekt.
De auteurs spitsen zich voornamelijk toe op het werk van het Department for International Development (DFID) van het Verenigd Koninkrijk en het Nederlandse Ministerie voor Buitenlandse Zaken (MINBUZA), waarbij zij nauw betrokken zijn geweest. Op basis van die ervaringen vertellen zij in deze MO*paper hoe ontwikkelingsagentschappen steeds meer gebruik maken van PEA om inzicht te verwerven in de problemen die zij proberen op te lossen. Daarna illustreren zij aan de hand van twee voorbeelden – Nigeria en
Bangladesh – hoe PEA nuttig kan zijn op operationeel niveau. Vervolgens bepalen zij de sterktes en zwaktes van de politieke-economieanalyse zoals die tot nog toe is gebruikt. En ten slotte reiken zij een paar stappen aan voor de verdere ontwikkeling en
toepassing van de PEA.En ligne : http://www.mo.be/sites/default/files/MO-paper65_Duncan.pdf Kan de politiek de ontwikkelingssamenwerking redden? : over het efficiënter maken van ontwikkelingshulp via politieke-economieanalyse: wat is er tot nog toe gebeurd en wat hebben we geleerd? [document électronique] / Alex Duncan, Auteur ; Gareth Williams, Auteur . - Brussel (Vlasfabriekstraat 11, 1060) : Wereldmediahuis vzw, maart 2012 . - 23 p. - (MO* Papers; 65) .
Langues : Néerlandais (dut)
Tags : Politique de développement Economie politique Nigeria Bangladesh Résumé : Een MO*paper over het efficiënter maken van ontwikkelingshulp via politieke-economieanalyse: wat is er tot nog toe gebeurd en wat hebben we geleerd?
Politieke economie betekent ‘de wisselwerking tussen politieke en economische processen in een samenleving: de verdeling van macht en rijkdom tussen de verschillende groepen en individuen en de processen die deze verhoudingen mettertijd creëren, in stand houden en veranderen.’
Deze MO*paper wil bijdragen tot een uitwisseling van ervaringen en informatie over het gebruik van de politieke-economieanalyse (PEA) door internationale hulpagentschappen. Het staat daarom stil bij de aanzienlijke maar ongelijke vooruitgang die de laatste tien jaar met deze methode is geboekt.
De auteurs spitsen zich voornamelijk toe op het werk van het Department for International Development (DFID) van het Verenigd Koninkrijk en het Nederlandse Ministerie voor Buitenlandse Zaken (MINBUZA), waarbij zij nauw betrokken zijn geweest. Op basis van die ervaringen vertellen zij in deze MO*paper hoe ontwikkelingsagentschappen steeds meer gebruik maken van PEA om inzicht te verwerven in de problemen die zij proberen op te lossen. Daarna illustreren zij aan de hand van twee voorbeelden – Nigeria en
Bangladesh – hoe PEA nuttig kan zijn op operationeel niveau. Vervolgens bepalen zij de sterktes en zwaktes van de politieke-economieanalyse zoals die tot nog toe is gebruikt. En ten slotte reiken zij een paar stappen aan voor de verdere ontwikkeling en
toepassing van de PEA.En ligne : http://www.mo.be/sites/default/files/MO-paper65_Duncan.pdf Documents numériques
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Titre : Making development assistance more effective by using political economy analysis : what has been done and what have we learned? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Alex Duncan, Auteur ; Gareth Williams, Auteur Editeur : The Policy Practice Année de publication : June 2010 Importance : 19 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Politique économique
Développement économiqueTags : Economie politique Politique de développement Nigéria Bangladesh Impact du développement Agences de développement Résumé : Politics often explains where development assistance has been effective and where it has not. Yet, until the 2000s there has been little focus by development agencies on political issues. This has begun to change with political economy analysis now being more systematically used by development agencies to understand the real world. Much valuable work has been done in recent years in developing new analytical frameworks, generating fresh insights and applying these to problem-solving. Nigeria and Bangladesh are two positive examples where PEA has demonstrated its analytical and operational usefulness. Much remains to be done in these countries and more widely, to ensure stronger uptake of political economy analysis. On the supply side this includes getting the „product? right, and better communicating the message. On the demand side, there is a need to take more account of the incentives facing development agencies and to gather more systematic evidence on the operational impact of political economy analysis to date. En ligne : http://www.thepolicypractice.com/papers/16.pdf Making development assistance more effective by using political economy analysis : what has been done and what have we learned? [document électronique] / Alex Duncan, Auteur ; Gareth Williams, Auteur . - UK : The Policy Practice, June 2010 . - 19 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Politique économique
Développement économiqueTags : Economie politique Politique de développement Nigéria Bangladesh Impact du développement Agences de développement Résumé : Politics often explains where development assistance has been effective and where it has not. Yet, until the 2000s there has been little focus by development agencies on political issues. This has begun to change with political economy analysis now being more systematically used by development agencies to understand the real world. Much valuable work has been done in recent years in developing new analytical frameworks, generating fresh insights and applying these to problem-solving. Nigeria and Bangladesh are two positive examples where PEA has demonstrated its analytical and operational usefulness. Much remains to be done in these countries and more widely, to ensure stronger uptake of political economy analysis. On the supply side this includes getting the „product? right, and better communicating the message. On the demand side, there is a need to take more account of the incentives facing development agencies and to gather more systematic evidence on the operational impact of political economy analysis to date. En ligne : http://www.thepolicypractice.com/papers/16.pdf Documents numériques
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Titre : The political economy of conflicts in Africa Titre original : Economie politique des conflits en Afrique Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean Marc Ela, Auteur Editeur : CODESRIA Année de publication : 1999 Collection : Africa development/Afrique & développement num. Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2 Importance : 271 p Note générale : 09.02 ELA Langues : Anglais (eng) Français (fre) Catégories : Afrique
Conflits armésTags : Economie politique Afrique Conflits Nigeria Cameroun Congo-Brazzaville Kenya Index. décimale : 09.02 Afrique The political economy of conflicts in Africa = Economie politique des conflits en Afrique [texte imprimé] / Jean Marc Ela, Auteur . - [S.l.] : CODESRIA, 1999 . - 271 p. - (Africa development/Afrique & développement; Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2) .
09.02 ELA
Langues : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Afrique
Conflits armésTags : Economie politique Afrique Conflits Nigeria Cameroun Congo-Brazzaville Kenya Index. décimale : 09.02 Afrique