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Titre : C&A, de stille gigant : van kleding-multinational tot thuiswerkster Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Marijke Smit, Auteur ; Lorette Jongejans, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : 1989 Importance : 179 p Langues : Néerlandais (dut) Catégories : Entreprises multinationales Tags : C&A Sociétés transnationales Travail à domicile Conditions de travail Pays en développement Pays-Bas Index. décimale : 04.02 Entreprises C&A, de stille gigant : van kleding-multinational tot thuiswerkster [texte imprimé] / Marijke Smit, Auteur ; Lorette Jongejans, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, 1989 . - 179 p.
Langues : Néerlandais (dut)
Catégories : Entreprises multinationales Tags : C&A Sociétés transnationales Travail à domicile Conditions de travail Pays en développement Pays-Bas Index. décimale : 04.02 Entreprises
Titre : Certified Unilever tea : Small cup, big difference? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Sanne van der Wal, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : October 2011 Importance : 43 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Entreprises multinationales
Conditions de travailTags : Entreprises multinationales Unilever Thé Conditions de travail Salaires Société civile Travail décent Kenya Inde Développement durable Commerce équitable Résumé : Wages with too few benefits or partly being paid in kind and not in cash, gender discrimination,ethnic discrimination, casual workers remaining permanently casual, workers applying pesticides without protective gear, sexual harassment, bad housing and hampered freedom of association and collective bargaining… These are some of the problems that affect tea workers on estates that have received certification from the sustainability standard system Rainforest Alliance (RA).
In response to growing concerns voiced by civil society organisations regarding the precarious working conditions of the millions of tea workers worldwide, multinational tea packers, such as Unilever, who dominates this sector, are increasingly relying on sustainability standard systems, such as Rainforest Alliance, Utz Certified and Fairtrade, which are generally seen as best industry practice. This study wanted to find out whether working conditions on large tea estates that have achieved RA certification and supply Unilever are truly decent. To this end one hundred tea workers were interviewed on a total of eight tea plantation companies, all supplying tea to Unilever. Seven of these plantations are located in India and the remaining plantation concerns Unilevers own tea plantation in Kenya.
The problematic working conditions that were found on these estates despite their RA certification indicate that RA does not seem capable of delivering any real guarantees on decent working conditions at least not with regards to the tea plantations sampled for this research. Possible explanations for the apparent disconnect between the theory of RA standard system and the reality on the ground are that the social auditing is not sensitive enough or RA standards not being interpreted strictly enough, or a combination of the two.
The study calls for more independentresearch on the impact of standard systems to get a better grip on how they areeffective or not, and why this is so. It also recommends that RA and the companies that areworking with RA should conduct more due diligence by properly investigating the problemareas flagged in this research and by addressing their causes. This might entail being open to working with others on solutions that could include dedicated training and capacity building programmes as well as sectoral or national approaches.En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-nl/Publication_3711-nl/view?set_language=nl&utm_sour [...] Certified Unilever tea : Small cup, big difference? [document électronique] / Sanne van der Wal, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, October 2011 . - 43 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Entreprises multinationales
Conditions de travailTags : Entreprises multinationales Unilever Thé Conditions de travail Salaires Société civile Travail décent Kenya Inde Développement durable Commerce équitable Résumé : Wages with too few benefits or partly being paid in kind and not in cash, gender discrimination,ethnic discrimination, casual workers remaining permanently casual, workers applying pesticides without protective gear, sexual harassment, bad housing and hampered freedom of association and collective bargaining… These are some of the problems that affect tea workers on estates that have received certification from the sustainability standard system Rainforest Alliance (RA).
In response to growing concerns voiced by civil society organisations regarding the precarious working conditions of the millions of tea workers worldwide, multinational tea packers, such as Unilever, who dominates this sector, are increasingly relying on sustainability standard systems, such as Rainforest Alliance, Utz Certified and Fairtrade, which are generally seen as best industry practice. This study wanted to find out whether working conditions on large tea estates that have achieved RA certification and supply Unilever are truly decent. To this end one hundred tea workers were interviewed on a total of eight tea plantation companies, all supplying tea to Unilever. Seven of these plantations are located in India and the remaining plantation concerns Unilevers own tea plantation in Kenya.
The problematic working conditions that were found on these estates despite their RA certification indicate that RA does not seem capable of delivering any real guarantees on decent working conditions at least not with regards to the tea plantations sampled for this research. Possible explanations for the apparent disconnect between the theory of RA standard system and the reality on the ground are that the social auditing is not sensitive enough or RA standards not being interpreted strictly enough, or a combination of the two.
The study calls for more independentresearch on the impact of standard systems to get a better grip on how they areeffective or not, and why this is so. It also recommends that RA and the companies that areworking with RA should conduct more due diligence by properly investigating the problemareas flagged in this research and by addressing their causes. This might entail being open to working with others on solutions that could include dedicated training and capacity building programmes as well as sectoral or national approaches.En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-nl/Publication_3711-nl/view?set_language=nl&utm_sour [...] Documents numériques
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Titre : Child labour in Madagascar's mica sector : Impact of the mica supply chain on children’s rights from the Malagasy mines to the international product line Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Sanne van der Wal, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 67 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Extraction minière Multinationales Travail des enfants Inde Industrie minière Industrie automobile Index. décimale : 03.03 Ressources naturelles Résumé : Countless products from paints to cosmetics and from cars to laptops contain mica, albeit mostly in relatively small volumes. The biggest buyers of mica are the electronics and automotive industries. Since the publication of reports by Terre des Hommes and the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) in 2016 and 2018, awareness has grown about the harsh conditions and the suffering of children in the depths of illegal mica mines in India. Child labour in Madagascar's mica sector : Impact of the mica supply chain on children’s rights from the Malagasy mines to the international product line [document électronique] / Sanne van der Wal, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, 2019 . - 67 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Extraction minière Multinationales Travail des enfants Inde Industrie minière Industrie automobile Index. décimale : 03.03 Ressources naturelles Résumé : Countless products from paints to cosmetics and from cars to laptops contain mica, albeit mostly in relatively small volumes. The biggest buyers of mica are the electronics and automotive industries. Since the publication of reports by Terre des Hommes and the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) in 2016 and 2018, awareness has grown about the harsh conditions and the suffering of children in the depths of illegal mica mines in India. Documents numériques
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Titre : Company Profile Unilever Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Paul Elshof, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : July 2005 Importance : 33 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Entreprises multinationales Tags : Entreprises Industrie alimentaire Unilever Résumé : The FNV Company Monitor researches the social policies of Dutch multinational companies in developing and transitional countries, and supports the development of networks between Dutch employees of these companies and their colleagues abroad. We do this out of solidarity with our colleagues far away: by making contact we can help them improve their working situation. En ligne : http://www.somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_617 Company Profile Unilever [document électronique] / Paul Elshof, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, July 2005 . - 33 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Entreprises multinationales Tags : Entreprises Industrie alimentaire Unilever Résumé : The FNV Company Monitor researches the social policies of Dutch multinational companies in developing and transitional countries, and supports the development of networks between Dutch employees of these companies and their colleagues abroad. We do this out of solidarity with our colleagues far away: by making contact we can help them improve their working situation. En ligne : http://www.somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_617 Documents numériques
Company-Profile-Unilever.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : Cut and Run : Update on the impact of Buchanan Renewables'operations and Vattenfall's divestment Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : J. Wilde Ramsing, Auteur ; T. Steinweg, Auteur ; K. Racz Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : 12 March 2013 Importance : 66 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Energie Buchanan Renewables Vattenfall SwedFund Liberia Résumé : This report is an update of 'Burning Rubber' and addresses the impact of Buchanan Renewables' operations in Liberia, as well as the causes and consequences of Vattenfall's decision to divest of its minority share. The report shows how smallholder farmers are facing difficulties in sustaining their livelihoods as a direct consequence of the actions by these companies. Vattenfall and Swedfund have not done adequate due diligence to avoid such negative consequences for Liberian stakeholders. Charcoal producers also continue to face difficulties, while Buchanan Renewables corporate structure remains well suited for tax avoidance. En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3942?set_language=en&utm_source=SOMO+ [...] Cut and Run : Update on the impact of Buchanan Renewables'operations and Vattenfall's divestment [document électronique] / J. Wilde Ramsing, Auteur ; T. Steinweg, Auteur ; K. Racz . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, 12 March 2013 . - 66 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Energie Buchanan Renewables Vattenfall SwedFund Liberia Résumé : This report is an update of 'Burning Rubber' and addresses the impact of Buchanan Renewables' operations in Liberia, as well as the causes and consequences of Vattenfall's decision to divest of its minority share. The report shows how smallholder farmers are facing difficulties in sustaining their livelihoods as a direct consequence of the actions by these companies. Vattenfall and Swedfund have not done adequate due diligence to avoid such negative consequences for Liberian stakeholders. Charcoal producers also continue to face difficulties, while Buchanan Renewables corporate structure remains well suited for tax avoidance. En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3942?set_language=en&utm_source=SOMO+ [...] Documents numériques
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