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Titre : History RePPPeated : How public private partnerships are failing Type de document : document électronique Editeur : Eurodad Année de publication : Sept 2018 Autre Editeur : Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Importance : 44 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Accords commerciaux Tags : Partenariat Public Privé Europe Index. décimale : 03.02 Accords Commerciaux Résumé : Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being promoted as the solution to the shortfall in financing needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Economic infrastructure, such as railways, roads, airports and ports, but also key services such as health, education, water and electricity are being delivered through PPPs in both the global north and south.
Although the involvement of the private sector in public service provision is not new, there is currently keen political interest in PPPs as an important way to leverage private finance. Donor governments and financial institutions, such as the World Bank Group (WBG) and other multilateral development banks (MDBs), have set up multiple initiatives to promote changes in national regulatory frameworks to allow for PPPs, as well as to provide advice and finance for PPP projects.
Since 2004 there has been a rapid growth in the amount of money invested in PPPs in the developing world. Although the trend has been volatile since 2012, efforts by MDBs to leverage private finance in both emerging and low-income economies have continued — for example, through the “Cascade” approach developed by the WBG, whereby the use of private finance is prioritised over public or concessional finance. This indicates a more determined push to reduce the risk so private investors come in.
Many projects have been procured as PPPs simply to circumvent budget constraints and to postpone the recording of fiscal costs. Some accounting practices allow governments to keep the cost of the project and its contingent liabilities “off balance sheet”. This ends up exposing public finances to excessive fiscal risks. Current austerity measures and orthodox policy prescriptions that encourage a low fiscal deficit also create a perverse incentive in favour of PPPs.
This report gives an in-depth, evidence-based analysis of the impact of 10 PPP projects that have taken place across four continents, in both developed and developing countries. These case studies build on research conducted by civil society experts in recent years and have been written by the people who often work with and around the communities affected by these projects.En ligne : https://eurodad.org/Entries/view/1546956/2018/10/03/History-RePPPeated-How-publi [...] Format de la ressource électronique : https://eurodad.org/files/pdf/5bb62e3f40e25.pdf History RePPPeated : How public private partnerships are failing [document électronique] . - [S.l.] : Eurodad : [S.l.] : Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Sept 2018 . - 44 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Accords commerciaux Tags : Partenariat Public Privé Europe Index. décimale : 03.02 Accords Commerciaux Résumé : Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being promoted as the solution to the shortfall in financing needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Economic infrastructure, such as railways, roads, airports and ports, but also key services such as health, education, water and electricity are being delivered through PPPs in both the global north and south.
Although the involvement of the private sector in public service provision is not new, there is currently keen political interest in PPPs as an important way to leverage private finance. Donor governments and financial institutions, such as the World Bank Group (WBG) and other multilateral development banks (MDBs), have set up multiple initiatives to promote changes in national regulatory frameworks to allow for PPPs, as well as to provide advice and finance for PPP projects.
Since 2004 there has been a rapid growth in the amount of money invested in PPPs in the developing world. Although the trend has been volatile since 2012, efforts by MDBs to leverage private finance in both emerging and low-income economies have continued — for example, through the “Cascade” approach developed by the WBG, whereby the use of private finance is prioritised over public or concessional finance. This indicates a more determined push to reduce the risk so private investors come in.
Many projects have been procured as PPPs simply to circumvent budget constraints and to postpone the recording of fiscal costs. Some accounting practices allow governments to keep the cost of the project and its contingent liabilities “off balance sheet”. This ends up exposing public finances to excessive fiscal risks. Current austerity measures and orthodox policy prescriptions that encourage a low fiscal deficit also create a perverse incentive in favour of PPPs.
This report gives an in-depth, evidence-based analysis of the impact of 10 PPP projects that have taken place across four continents, in both developed and developing countries. These case studies build on research conducted by civil society experts in recent years and have been written by the people who often work with and around the communities affected by these projects.En ligne : https://eurodad.org/Entries/view/1546956/2018/10/03/History-RePPPeated-How-publi [...] Format de la ressource électronique : https://eurodad.org/files/pdf/5bb62e3f40e25.pdf
Titre : The Power of Public Finance for the Future we Want Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Lavinia Steinfort, Auteur Editeur : Third World Network Année de publication : 1-15 Oct 2018 Collection : Third World Economics num. 674 Importance : 4 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Politique économique Tags : Politique financière Finance publique Développement durable Partenariat Public Privé Index. décimale : 02.01 Finances Résumé : It may not be a new idea, but the speed with which the Green New Deal has gained traction in the US is remarkable. Potential presidential candidates are already embracing the call and it’s firmly on the agenda for the new Congress, with 40 Democratic members demanding a firm plan be drawn up. But what is remarkable is not its popular resonance but the growing political acknowledgement that the government has the power to create the necessary trillions of dollars to not only address the climate crisis but also tackle inequality and transform the economy. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. Before the 2008 financial crisis, the mantra was that there is no alternative (TINA) to rising inequality, corporate greed and environmental destruction. After 2008, the story became that there is no more public money to pay for the alternative so we must rely on private finance. The Green New Deal turns that on its head. As its most famous spokesperson, newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says, the framework has the potential to replicate ‘the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil rights movement of our generation’. En ligne : http://longreads.tni.org/state-of-power-2019/future-we-want/ The Power of Public Finance for the Future we Want [document électronique] / Lavinia Steinfort, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Third World Network, 1-15 Oct 2018 . - 4 p. - (Third World Economics; 674) .
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Politique économique Tags : Politique financière Finance publique Développement durable Partenariat Public Privé Index. décimale : 02.01 Finances Résumé : It may not be a new idea, but the speed with which the Green New Deal has gained traction in the US is remarkable. Potential presidential candidates are already embracing the call and it’s firmly on the agenda for the new Congress, with 40 Democratic members demanding a firm plan be drawn up. But what is remarkable is not its popular resonance but the growing political acknowledgement that the government has the power to create the necessary trillions of dollars to not only address the climate crisis but also tackle inequality and transform the economy. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. Before the 2008 financial crisis, the mantra was that there is no alternative (TINA) to rising inequality, corporate greed and environmental destruction. After 2008, the story became that there is no more public money to pay for the alternative so we must rely on private finance. The Green New Deal turns that on its head. As its most famous spokesperson, newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says, the framework has the potential to replicate ‘the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil rights movement of our generation’. En ligne : http://longreads.tni.org/state-of-power-2019/future-we-want/
Titre : Alliances stratégiques : dossier Type de document : document électronique Editeur : Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC Année de publication : juin 2019 Collection : Un seul monde num. 2 Importance : p. 8-19 Langues : Français (fre) Tags : Partenariat public privé Développement Entreprises Index. décimale : 06.01 Développement - Généralités Résumé : Les partenariats public-privé pour le développement ne cessent d’augmenter. Des alliances stratégiques pour un impact plus fort/ L’engagement des gouvernements et de l’ONU ne suffit pas à éradiquer la pauvreté... - « Il est essentiel de mieux mesurer l’impact social »/ Entretien avec Karen E. Wilson, experte en finance durable à l’OCDE. - Des partenariats qui sauvent des vies/ La Suisse soutient des plateformes pour améliorer l’accès aux médicaments contre les maladies négligées. - De la rizière à l’assiette : investir dans une production durable/ Les producteurs de riz cambodgiens apprennent à cultiver cette céréale selon les principes de l’agriculture biologique. - De nouvelles perspectives professionnelles pour les Ukrainiens/ La DDC et la société Geberit transforment la formation dans les technologies sanitaires en Ukraine. - Faits et chiffres En ligne : https://www.eda.admin.ch/deza/fr/home/publications-services/publications/series- [...] Format de la ressource électronique : https://www.eda.admin.ch/dam/deza/fr/documents/publikationen/Eine-Welt/eine_welt-02-2019_FR.pdf Alliances stratégiques : dossier [document électronique] . - Suisse : Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC, juin 2019 . - p. 8-19. - (Un seul monde; 2) .
Langues : Français (fre)
Tags : Partenariat public privé Développement Entreprises Index. décimale : 06.01 Développement - Généralités Résumé : Les partenariats public-privé pour le développement ne cessent d’augmenter. Des alliances stratégiques pour un impact plus fort/ L’engagement des gouvernements et de l’ONU ne suffit pas à éradiquer la pauvreté... - « Il est essentiel de mieux mesurer l’impact social »/ Entretien avec Karen E. Wilson, experte en finance durable à l’OCDE. - Des partenariats qui sauvent des vies/ La Suisse soutient des plateformes pour améliorer l’accès aux médicaments contre les maladies négligées. - De la rizière à l’assiette : investir dans une production durable/ Les producteurs de riz cambodgiens apprennent à cultiver cette céréale selon les principes de l’agriculture biologique. - De nouvelles perspectives professionnelles pour les Ukrainiens/ La DDC et la société Geberit transforment la formation dans les technologies sanitaires en Ukraine. - Faits et chiffres En ligne : https://www.eda.admin.ch/deza/fr/home/publications-services/publications/series- [...] Format de la ressource électronique : https://www.eda.admin.ch/dam/deza/fr/documents/publikationen/Eine-Welt/eine_welt-02-2019_FR.pdf Documents numériques
Alliances stratégiquesAdobe Acrobat PDFPartenariats d'entreprises Nord-Sud
Titre : Partenariats d'entreprises Nord-Sud : dossier Type de document : texte imprimé Editeur : Louvain-la-Neuve : Recherches et Publications en Management asbl Année de publication : juill-août 1995 Collection : Gestion 2000 Management & Prospective num. 4 Importance : p. 57-150 Présentation : 04.03.GES Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Gestion et management Tags : Partenariat Public Privé Relation Nord-Sud Entreprises Gestion Index. décimale : 04.03 Gestion Résumé : Le partenariat face au développement économique et social de la population locale/ Mahshid Bekerman - Le partenariat des PME dans l'aide au développement/ Robert Thomassin - Processus de réalisation des alliances stratégiques entre PME occidentales et PME sénégalaises/ Martine Grelaud, Yvon Gasse - Ethique dans le partenariat Nord-Sud: le cas des joint-ventures internationales/ Gérard Verna, Zhan Su - Le compagnonnage industriel/ Daniel Meyer - Confiance, proximité et nouvelles formes de partenariat Nord-Sud: le cas des partenariats ONG-PME en Afrique sub-saharienne Partenariats d'entreprises Nord-Sud : dossier [texte imprimé] . - Louvain-la-Neuve : Recherches et Publications en Management asbl, juill-août 1995 . - p. 57-150 : 04.03.GES. - (Gestion 2000 Management & Prospective; 4) .
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Gestion et management Tags : Partenariat Public Privé Relation Nord-Sud Entreprises Gestion Index. décimale : 04.03 Gestion Résumé : Le partenariat face au développement économique et social de la population locale/ Mahshid Bekerman - Le partenariat des PME dans l'aide au développement/ Robert Thomassin - Processus de réalisation des alliances stratégiques entre PME occidentales et PME sénégalaises/ Martine Grelaud, Yvon Gasse - Ethique dans le partenariat Nord-Sud: le cas des joint-ventures internationales/ Gérard Verna, Zhan Su - Le compagnonnage industriel/ Daniel Meyer - Confiance, proximité et nouvelles formes de partenariat Nord-Sud: le cas des partenariats ONG-PME en Afrique sub-saharienne
Titre : Water remunicipalisation Tracker( Type de document : document électronique Editeur : Brussels : Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) Année de publication : 2014 Autre Editeur : Amsterdam [Pays-Bas] : Transnational Institute (TNI) Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Eau Bien commun Privatisation Partenariat Public Privé Résumé : The remunicipalisation tracker mirrors the format typically used by private water-industry publications for listing upcoming privatisation and public-private partnership (PPP) contracts that provide possibilities for commercial expansion. En ligne : http://www.remunicipalisation.org/ Water remunicipalisation Tracker( [document électronique] . - Brussels : Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) : Amsterdam (PO Box 14656, 1001 LD, Pays-Bas) : Transnational Institute (TNI), 2014.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Eau Bien commun Privatisation Partenariat Public Privé Résumé : The remunicipalisation tracker mirrors the format typically used by private water-industry publications for listing upcoming privatisation and public-private partnership (PPP) contracts that provide possibilities for commercial expansion. En ligne : http://www.remunicipalisation.org/ Documents numériques
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