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Titre : Trade and development report, 1981-2011 : Three decades of thinking development Type de document : document électronique Editeur : Genève 10 [Suisse] : UNCTAD Année de publication : 2012 Importance : 138 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Développement économique Tags : Commerce et développement Politique de développement Développement économique Gouvernance Index. décimale : 06.01 Développement - Généralités Résumé : This review traces the key issues relating to the global economy and development strategies that have been addressed in UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Reports (TDRs) over the past three decades. It also intends to show how ideas, opinions and proposals expressed in the TDR, and the analytical approaches used, differed from those of proponents of “the mainstream” and how they evolved in response to new challenges arising from developments in the world economy. En ligne : http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/gds2012d1_en.pdf Trade and development report, 1981-2011 : Three decades of thinking development [document électronique] . - Genève 10 (Palais des Nations 8-14, Av. de la Paix, 1211, Suisse) : UNCTAD, 2012 . - 138 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Développement économique Tags : Commerce et développement Politique de développement Développement économique Gouvernance Index. décimale : 06.01 Développement - Généralités Résumé : This review traces the key issues relating to the global economy and development strategies that have been addressed in UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Reports (TDRs) over the past three decades. It also intends to show how ideas, opinions and proposals expressed in the TDR, and the analytical approaches used, differed from those of proponents of “the mainstream” and how they evolved in response to new challenges arising from developments in the world economy. En ligne : http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/gds2012d1_en.pdf Documents numériques
gds2012d1_en.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : Should the Netherlands sign tax treaties with developing countries? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : K. McGauran, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederland] : SOMO Année de publication : June 2013 Importance : 70 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Investissements Justice fiscale Commerce et développement Pays-Bas Résumé : SOMO is pleased to present this report on double taxation treaties and the potential negative impact of Dutch DTAs on developing countries revenues. This report aims to provide information for relevant stakeholders (parliamentarians, policy-makers, journalists and civil society organisations) on the impact of DTAs in developing countries. An impact analysis is particular important in the context of the new 2011 Dutch fiscal treaty strategy, which announced the governments plan to extend its tax treaty network to more developing countries. The report also identifies areas for further research to develop alterantives to the current regime of international taxation and taxation treaties. The urgent need for a fundamental change in the current system is particularly highlighted by the fact that developing countries are experiencing massive annual revenue losses in the midst of a financial crisis and austerity measures that hitting the poor the hardest. En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3958 Should the Netherlands sign tax treaties with developing countries? [document électronique] / K. McGauran, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL, Nederland) : SOMO, June 2013 . - 70 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Investissements Justice fiscale Commerce et développement Pays-Bas Résumé : SOMO is pleased to present this report on double taxation treaties and the potential negative impact of Dutch DTAs on developing countries revenues. This report aims to provide information for relevant stakeholders (parliamentarians, policy-makers, journalists and civil society organisations) on the impact of DTAs in developing countries. An impact analysis is particular important in the context of the new 2011 Dutch fiscal treaty strategy, which announced the governments plan to extend its tax treaty network to more developing countries. The report also identifies areas for further research to develop alterantives to the current regime of international taxation and taxation treaties. The urgent need for a fundamental change in the current system is particularly highlighted by the fact that developing countries are experiencing massive annual revenue losses in the midst of a financial crisis and austerity measures that hitting the poor the hardest. En ligne : http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3958 Documents numériques
Should-the-Netherlands-sign-tax-treaties-with-developing-countries.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : The EU trade and Investment Agenda : quashing the aspirations of the Arab Spring? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Roeline Knottnerus, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Pays-Bas] : Transnational Institute (TNI) Année de publication : 26 March 2013 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Commerce et développement Investissement UE Printemps arabe Pays arabes Résumé : The EU's launch of negotiations for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) with four Arab countries in transition – Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia - looks set to entrench an economic model that was one of the root causes of the Arab Spring.
En ligne : http://www.tni.org/briefing/eu-trade-and-investment-agenda-quashing-aspirations- [...] The EU trade and Investment Agenda : quashing the aspirations of the Arab Spring? [document électronique] / Roeline Knottnerus, Auteur . - Amsterdam (PO Box 14656, 1001 LD, Pays-Bas) : Transnational Institute (TNI), 26 March 2013.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Commerce et développement Investissement UE Printemps arabe Pays arabes Résumé : The EU's launch of negotiations for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) with four Arab countries in transition – Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia - looks set to entrench an economic model that was one of the root causes of the Arab Spring.
En ligne : http://www.tni.org/briefing/eu-trade-and-investment-agenda-quashing-aspirations- [...]
Titre : World investment report 2013 : Global value chains, investment and trade for development Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : UNCTAD, Auteur Editeur : United Nations Année de publication : 2013 Importance : 236 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Investissements Commerce et développement Politique d'investissement Politique de développement Index. décimale : 03.03 Ressources naturelles Résumé : The 2013 World Investment Report comes at an important moment. The international community is making a final push to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015. At the same time, the United Nations is working to forge a vision for the post-2015 development agenda. Credible and objective information on foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute to success in these twin endeavours.
Global FDI declined in 2012, mainly due to continued macroeconomic fragility and policy uncertainty for investors, and it is forecast to rise only moderately over the next two years.
Yet as this report reveals, the global picture masks a number of major dynamic developments. In 2012 – for the first time ever – developing economies absorbed more FDI than developed countries, with four developing economies ranked among the five largest recipients in the world. Developing countries also generated almost one third of global FDI outflows, continuing an upward trend that looks set to continue.
This year’s World Investment Report provides an in-depth analysis, strategic development options and practical advice for policymakers and others on how to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks associated with global value chains. This is essential to ensure more inclusive growth and sustainable development.En ligne : http://unctad.org/en/pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=588 World investment report 2013 : Global value chains, investment and trade for development [texte imprimé] / UNCTAD, Auteur . - [S.l.] : United Nations, 2013 . - 236 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Investissements Commerce et développement Politique d'investissement Politique de développement Index. décimale : 03.03 Ressources naturelles Résumé : The 2013 World Investment Report comes at an important moment. The international community is making a final push to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015. At the same time, the United Nations is working to forge a vision for the post-2015 development agenda. Credible and objective information on foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute to success in these twin endeavours.
Global FDI declined in 2012, mainly due to continued macroeconomic fragility and policy uncertainty for investors, and it is forecast to rise only moderately over the next two years.
Yet as this report reveals, the global picture masks a number of major dynamic developments. In 2012 – for the first time ever – developing economies absorbed more FDI than developed countries, with four developing economies ranked among the five largest recipients in the world. Developing countries also generated almost one third of global FDI outflows, continuing an upward trend that looks set to continue.
This year’s World Investment Report provides an in-depth analysis, strategic development options and practical advice for policymakers and others on how to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks associated with global value chains. This is essential to ensure more inclusive growth and sustainable development.En ligne : http://unctad.org/en/pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=588