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Titre : Eight Steps to a New Financial Order Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Alan Blinder, Auteur Editeur : Foreign Affairs Année de publication : 1999 Importance : 13 p Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Accords commerciaux Tags : FMI Index. décimale : 03.02 Accords Commerciaux Résumé : Financial crises once made most people's eyes glaze over; they were subjects of ontense interest to only a limited clientele, many of whom wore green eyeshades. Not any longer. The topic has unfortunately acquired a mass audience in the second half of the 1990s. Stunning currency collapses in Mexico (1995), southeast Asia (1997), Russia (1998), and Brazil (1999) have pushed the subject to the front page. Financial conflagrations have become too frequent, too devastating, and too contagious to be ignored. Eight Steps to a New Financial Order [texte imprimé] / Alan Blinder, Auteur . - USA : Foreign Affairs, 1999 . - 13 p.
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Accords commerciaux Tags : FMI Index. décimale : 03.02 Accords Commerciaux Résumé : Financial crises once made most people's eyes glaze over; they were subjects of ontense interest to only a limited clientele, many of whom wore green eyeshades. Not any longer. The topic has unfortunately acquired a mass audience in the second half of the 1990s. Stunning currency collapses in Mexico (1995), southeast Asia (1997), Russia (1998), and Brazil (1999) have pushed the subject to the front page. Financial conflagrations have become too frequent, too devastating, and too contagious to be ignored.
Titre : (Mis)leading Indicators : Why Our Economic Numbers Distort Reality Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Zachary Karabell, Auteur Editeur : Foreign Affairs Année de publication : March-April 2014 Importance : 9 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Economie politique Science économique Indicateurs économiques Résumé : Economic numbers have come to define our world. Individuals, organizations, and governments assess how they are doing based on what these numbers tell them. Economists and analysts loosely refer to statistics measuring GDP, unemployment, inflation, and trade deficits as "leading indicators" and subscribe to the belief that these figures accurately reflect reality and provide unique insights into the health of an economy. Taken together, leading indicators create a data map that people use to navigate their lives. That map, however, is showing signs of age. Understanding where the map came from should help explain why it has become less reliable than ever before.
Economic numbers have come to define our world. Individuals, organizations, and governments assess how they are doing based on what these numbers tell them. Economists and analysts loosely refer to statistics measuring GDP, unemployment, inflation, and trade deficits as "leading indicators" and subscribe to the belief that these figures accurately reflect reality and provide unique insights into the health of an economy. Taken together, leading indicators create a data map that people use to navigate their lives. That map, however, is showing signs of age. Understanding where the map came from should help explain why it has become less reliable than ever before.En ligne : http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/140749/zachary-karabell/misleading-indica [...] (Mis)leading Indicators : Why Our Economic Numbers Distort Reality [document électronique] / Zachary Karabell, Auteur . - USA : Foreign Affairs, March-April 2014 . - 9 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Economie politique Science économique Indicateurs économiques Résumé : Economic numbers have come to define our world. Individuals, organizations, and governments assess how they are doing based on what these numbers tell them. Economists and analysts loosely refer to statistics measuring GDP, unemployment, inflation, and trade deficits as "leading indicators" and subscribe to the belief that these figures accurately reflect reality and provide unique insights into the health of an economy. Taken together, leading indicators create a data map that people use to navigate their lives. That map, however, is showing signs of age. Understanding where the map came from should help explain why it has become less reliable than ever before.
Economic numbers have come to define our world. Individuals, organizations, and governments assess how they are doing based on what these numbers tell them. Economists and analysts loosely refer to statistics measuring GDP, unemployment, inflation, and trade deficits as "leading indicators" and subscribe to the belief that these figures accurately reflect reality and provide unique insights into the health of an economy. Taken together, leading indicators create a data map that people use to navigate their lives. That map, however, is showing signs of age. Understanding where the map came from should help explain why it has become less reliable than ever before.En ligne : http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/140749/zachary-karabell/misleading-indica [...] Documents numériques
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Titre : Never Saw It Coming Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Alan Greenspan, Auteur Editeur : Foreign Affairs Année de publication : Nov/Dec 2013 Importance : 7 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Crise financière Résumé : Why the Financial Crisis Took Economists by Surprise Never Saw It Coming [document électronique] / Alan Greenspan, Auteur . - USA : Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 2013 . - 7 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Crise financière Résumé : Why the Financial Crisis Took Economists by Surprise Documents numériques
Never saw it comingMS word document
Titre : The Unruled World : The Case for Good Enough Global Governance Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Stewart Patrick, Auteur Editeur : Foreign Affairs Année de publication : Jan/Feb 2014 Importance : 14 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Conseil de sécurité Otan Gouvernance mondiale Résumé : Despite the Obama administration's avowed ambition to integrate rising powers as full partners, there has been no movement to reform the composition of the UN Security Council to reflect new geopolitical realities. Meanwhile, the World Trade Organization is comatose, NATO struggles to find its strategic purpose, and the International Energy Agency courts obsolescence by omitting China and India as members. The demand for international cooperation has not diminished. In fact, it is greater than ever, thanks to deepening economic interdependence, worsening environmental degradation, proliferating transnational threats, and accelerating technological change. But effective multilateral responses are increasingly occurring outside formal institutions, as frustrated actors turn to more convenient, ad hoc venues. "Global governance" is a slippery term. It refers not to world government (which nobody expects or wants anymore) but to something more practical: the collective effort by sovereign states, international organizations, and other nonstate actors to address common challenges and seize opportunities that transcend national frontiers. The Unruled World : The Case for Good Enough Global Governance [document électronique] / Stewart Patrick, Auteur . - USA : Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2014 . - 14 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Conseil de sécurité Otan Gouvernance mondiale Résumé : Despite the Obama administration's avowed ambition to integrate rising powers as full partners, there has been no movement to reform the composition of the UN Security Council to reflect new geopolitical realities. Meanwhile, the World Trade Organization is comatose, NATO struggles to find its strategic purpose, and the International Energy Agency courts obsolescence by omitting China and India as members. The demand for international cooperation has not diminished. In fact, it is greater than ever, thanks to deepening economic interdependence, worsening environmental degradation, proliferating transnational threats, and accelerating technological change. But effective multilateral responses are increasingly occurring outside formal institutions, as frustrated actors turn to more convenient, ad hoc venues. "Global governance" is a slippery term. It refers not to world government (which nobody expects or wants anymore) but to something more practical: the collective effort by sovereign states, international organizations, and other nonstate actors to address common challenges and seize opportunities that transcend national frontiers. Documents numériques
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Titre : Why Banking Systems Succeed and Fail Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Charles W. Calomiris, Auteur ; Stephen H. Haber, Auteur Editeur : Foreign Affairs Année de publication : Nov/Dec 2013 Importance : 11 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Politique financière Banques Résumé : The Politics Behind Financial Institutions Why Banking Systems Succeed and Fail [document électronique] / Charles W. Calomiris, Auteur ; Stephen H. Haber, Auteur . - USA : Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 2013 . - 11 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Politique financière Banques Résumé : The Politics Behind Financial Institutions Documents numériques
Why Banking Systems Succeed and FailMS word document