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1 résultat(s) recherche sur le tag 'Entreprise récupérée'

Titre : Brukman : por un arte revolucionario junto a Type de document : document multimédia Importance : CDR Présentation : Chansons Format : CDR-84 Langues : Espagnol (spa) Catégories : Amérique latine
GenreTags : Brukman Industrie du textile Entreprise récupérée Argentine Femmes Index. décimale : CD-rom Résumé : The Brukman factory suffered the effects of the Argentine economic crisis, which first became clearly noticeable as a recession in 1998. Since 1995 business had been shrinking, and Brukman had fired over half of its formerly 300 employees. Sales were dropping and debts had piled up. The workers' salaries were reduced to the point that they could not pay the transportation fare to get to work every day. Rumours also circulated that the owners were preparing to close down the factory. Brukman : por un arte revolucionario junto a [document multimédia] . - [s.d.] . - CDR : Chansons ; CDR-84.
Langues : Espagnol (spa)
Catégories : Amérique latine
GenreTags : Brukman Industrie du textile Entreprise récupérée Argentine Femmes Index. décimale : CD-rom Résumé : The Brukman factory suffered the effects of the Argentine economic crisis, which first became clearly noticeable as a recession in 1998. Since 1995 business had been shrinking, and Brukman had fired over half of its formerly 300 employees. Sales were dropping and debts had piled up. The workers' salaries were reduced to the point that they could not pay the transportation fare to get to work every day. Rumours also circulated that the owners were preparing to close down the factory.