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Titre : Adjusting to multipolarity in the World Bank DIIS Working Paper 2011:24 : ducking and diving, wriggling and squirming Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Jakob Vestergaard, Auteur ; Robert Wade, Auteur Editeur : Copenhagen K [Denmark] : Danish Institute for International Studies Année de publication : 2011 Collection : Working Papers num. 24 Importance : 31 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-87-7605-470-0 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Banque mondiale Tags : Banque mondiale Gouvernance Résumé : This essay examines the efforts of the World Bank to translate the rising economic weight of some developing countries into a larger voice in the governance of the organization. In a speech in April 2010, World Bank president Robert Zoellick argued that the advent of “a new, fast-evolving multipolar world economy” required fundamental reforms of the World Bank itself, including in the balance of power
between developed countries and emerging countries Shortly after the speech the World Bank presented a set of allegedly far-reaching proposals on what it called “voice reform”, to be endorsed by its Board of Governors, the culmination of a process of negotiation begun years before. Voice reform had several components, of which the central and most contentious one was voting reform to give developing For short essays on the main outcomes of the voice reform process see Horton (2010) and Lombardi (2010). Robert Zoellick (2010). and transition countries (DTCs) more voting power in the Bank’s governance.(...)En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP2011/WP%202011-24_The%20World%20Bank_ [...] Adjusting to multipolarity in the World Bank DIIS Working Paper 2011:24 : ducking and diving, wriggling and squirming [document électronique] / Jakob Vestergaard, Auteur ; Robert Wade, Auteur . - Copenhagen K (Strandgade 56, 1401, Denmark) : Danish Institute for International Studies, 2011 . - 31 p.. - (Working Papers; 24) .
ISBN : 978-87-7605-470-0
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Banque mondiale Tags : Banque mondiale Gouvernance Résumé : This essay examines the efforts of the World Bank to translate the rising economic weight of some developing countries into a larger voice in the governance of the organization. In a speech in April 2010, World Bank president Robert Zoellick argued that the advent of “a new, fast-evolving multipolar world economy” required fundamental reforms of the World Bank itself, including in the balance of power
between developed countries and emerging countries Shortly after the speech the World Bank presented a set of allegedly far-reaching proposals on what it called “voice reform”, to be endorsed by its Board of Governors, the culmination of a process of negotiation begun years before. Voice reform had several components, of which the central and most contentious one was voting reform to give developing For short essays on the main outcomes of the voice reform process see Horton (2010) and Lombardi (2010). Robert Zoellick (2010). and transition countries (DTCs) more voting power in the Bank’s governance.(...)En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP2011/WP%202011-24_The%20World%20Bank_ [...] Documents numériques
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Titre : How countries become rich and reduce poverty : A review of heterodox explanations of economic development Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Lindsay Whitfield, Auteur Editeur : Copenhagen K [Denmark] : Danish Institute for International Studies Année de publication : June 2011 Collection : Working Papers num. 13 Importance : 28 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Développement économique Réduction de la pauvreté Croissance Capital Travail Productivité Bien-être social Résumé : The paper argues countries in the West achieved systematic changes in the production structure of their economies which led to sustainable economic growth and generalized improvements in living standards. Recently developed economies (post-World War II) and emerging economies imitated their economic structures. The process of economic development is characterized by productivity growth. High and rising standard of living is ultimately based on the productivity with which capital and labor are employed. It is not the transition from agriculture to industrialization per se, but a change in economic activities from ones of low productivity to high productivity.
En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/sw110521.asp How countries become rich and reduce poverty : A review of heterodox explanations of economic development [document électronique] / Lindsay Whitfield, Auteur . - Copenhagen K (Strandgade 56, 1401, Denmark) : Danish Institute for International Studies, June 2011 . - 28 p.. - (Working Papers; 13) .
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Développement économique Réduction de la pauvreté Croissance Capital Travail Productivité Bien-être social Résumé : The paper argues countries in the West achieved systematic changes in the production structure of their economies which led to sustainable economic growth and generalized improvements in living standards. Recently developed economies (post-World War II) and emerging economies imitated their economic structures. The process of economic development is characterized by productivity growth. High and rising standard of living is ultimately based on the productivity with which capital and labor are employed. It is not the transition from agriculture to industrialization per se, but a change in economic activities from ones of low productivity to high productivity.
En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/sw110521.asp Documents numériques
wp2011-13-lkw-how-countries-become-rich-web.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : The impact of global crises, trade finance and aid on export flows : a developing country perspective Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Jose Brambila-Macias, Auteur ; Isabella Massa, Auteur ; Matthew J. Salois Editeur : Copenhagen K [Denmark] : Danish Institute for International Studies Année de publication : 2011 Collection : Working Papers num. 17 Importance : 24 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-87-7605-462-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Crise économique et financière
CommerceTags : Commerce mondial Pays en développement Finances internationales Aide à l'exportation Crise économique et financière Résumé : In this paper, we use a mixed-effects trade gravity model on a sample of 83 developing countries over the period 1990-2007 to assess the impact of trade finance and foreign aid on bilateral export flows. In addition to traditional variables, we also include a banking crises variable and a global economic downturns variable among the regressors. Differences across developing regions are taken into account. Our results suggest that: (i) trade finance has a positive and significant impact on bilateral export flows in all developing regions except Latin America; (ii) foreign aid matters in all regions; (iii) global economic downturns exert a negative and significant impact on export flows in all developing countries, and especially in Latin American and Sub-Saharan African economies; (iv) banking crises appear to have no significant impact in most developing regions. En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP2011/WP-2011-17_impact%20of%20global% [...] The impact of global crises, trade finance and aid on export flows : a developing country perspective [document électronique] / Jose Brambila-Macias, Auteur ; Isabella Massa, Auteur ; Matthew J. Salois . - Copenhagen K (Strandgade 56, 1401, Denmark) : Danish Institute for International Studies, 2011 . - 24 p.. - (Working Papers; 17) .
ISBN : 978-87-7605-462-5
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Crise économique et financière
CommerceTags : Commerce mondial Pays en développement Finances internationales Aide à l'exportation Crise économique et financière Résumé : In this paper, we use a mixed-effects trade gravity model on a sample of 83 developing countries over the period 1990-2007 to assess the impact of trade finance and foreign aid on bilateral export flows. In addition to traditional variables, we also include a banking crises variable and a global economic downturns variable among the regressors. Differences across developing regions are taken into account. Our results suggest that: (i) trade finance has a positive and significant impact on bilateral export flows in all developing regions except Latin America; (ii) foreign aid matters in all regions; (iii) global economic downturns exert a negative and significant impact on export flows in all developing countries, and especially in Latin American and Sub-Saharan African economies; (iv) banking crises appear to have no significant impact in most developing regions. En ligne : http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP2011/WP-2011-17_impact%20of%20global% [...]